
Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Tax Break for Blood

I have come up with a great idea (or at least I think so)....
Why doesn't the government give us tax deductions for donating blood? Whenver there is a natural disaster, the suggestion for help is to give blood... why don't they just support having a continuous full supply? If people got $10-$25 per donation, I bet more people would give more often.... beyond the once a year blood drive at work. Plus, people couldn't really 'abuse' the system, because you can only give blood every other month anyway...so it can't get out of control.
It would be easy to regulate: just have the blood banks give the donor a form at the end of the donation that can be copied and turned in with all the other tax forms.
I have emailed my congressmen about this... anyone else have any ideas how I can make this happen?
I was also thinking about writing/calling:
The Red Cross
Bonfils (the local blood people in Colorado)
Any helpful input is welcome!


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