
Monday, January 10, 2005

Mr. Kopec

I forgot to post this story when I got back from Michigan. This one is for all you Abbott Eagles out there.
When I was giving Matt the tour of Keego, we had to stop at Julian's Coney Island for lunch. Now, if you remember, a lot of Abbott teachers went there for lunch because it was so close and quick. So, Matt and I sit down at a table in the corner, and who is next to us? Mr. Finneran (sp?) Mr. Kopec and some other teacher. I notice them, but figure since it has been ten years since I was in Mr. Kopec's 8th grade science class, he wouldn't recognize me. But then, as they got up to leave, Mr. Kopec sees me and says, "Lots of frosting."
I couldn't quite understand what he said, so I said "Excuse me?"
He repeated himself, "Lots of frosting."
When I realize what he said I started cracking up. When I was in his class, I was on this frosting craze, and I would bring cans of frosting to class and eat it with graham crackers or chocolate chip cookies. Also, Pete Gallina would bring in homemade pixie sticks and sometimes we would mix the two together. After ten years, Mr. Kopec still remembered me from my massive sugar consumption, but he couldn't remember my name. What an impression to make.


  • Yeah, Finneran looks the same, a little older and a little bit of a belly. But the same bad hair. Good times.

    By Blogger Whitney, at 9:56 PM  

  • I almost forgot about Jason Backus. My brother met Winterhaulter's uncle about a year ago, he is a senator or something. weird. I should google Winterhaulter to see if he is a famous concert whistler yet.

    By Blogger Whitney, at 8:13 PM  

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